Can you drown in a bucket?

Abandonment and Invasion Trauma Have Similar Outcomes

Whether we drown in a bucket or in the sea, we suffer equal consequences. 

Connection Therapy Group provides evidence-based treatments designed to address trauma and stressor disorders. If you or someone you know has experienced abandonment or invasion, please contact Denny or any member of Connection Therapy Group for assistance.


Trauma can come to us in many forms.  We may experience an automobile accident.  We may witness someone being hurt or killed.  We may be emotionally or physically abused.  We may be denied love, support, acceptance, or understanding.  Each of these has the potential to negatively impact our perceptions of ourselves, others, and the world.  

Our traumatic experiences can be categorized into two groups.  The first are events that should have happened to us but did not.  This is abandonment.  Abandonment isolates us in our pain, and we move forward in Life seeking something to fill the void. 

The second type are incidents that shouldn’t have happened to us but did.  A woman is raped in a dark parking lot.  A mother whips her son into submission.  A doctor takes sexual favors with their patients.  This is invasion.  Invasion steals a part our essence, and we may spend years trying to regain what was lost. Sometimes we turn to addictions or obsessions to cope and protect ourselves. 

Abandonment and invasion can occur simultaneously through the same event or separately through different incidents. However, the results often appear unified. 

Whether we drown in a bucket or in the sea, we suffer equal consequences. 


What Goes Down, Must Come Up